What is PES Career Compass Mentoring?

IEEE PES has created the Career Compass Mentoring program for its members to seek and share valuable advice and knowledge for all PES members. This program facilitates mentoring relationships that connect mentees with leaders in the IEEE organization to learn and develop. This program will help you to expand networks, gain new knowledge and insights, and build new skills. Join us now to start developing personal and professional relationships with others in the organization who can help you learn and grow. Take the first step in furthering your professional development by joining the PES Career Compass Mentoring Program today! This program is exclusively for active IEEE PES Members only.

Why become a Mentor?

DEVELOP feedback and critical thinking skills
GROW your network within the organization
ADVANCE leadership skills
GAIN better understanding of the organization

Why become a Mentee?

GROW professional networks
LEARN to navigate workplace challenges
DEVELOP your leadership skills
EXPLORE opportunities and build your career path

More Power to the Future

The Power & Energy Society (PES) provides the world’s largest forum for sharing the latest in technological developments in the electric power industry, for developing standards that guide the development and construction of equipment and systems, and for educating members of the industry and the general public. Members of the Power & Energy Society are leaders in this field, and they — and their employers — derive substantial benefits from involvement with this unique and outstanding association.

Our Young Professionals

IEEE Young Professionals is a group of IEEE members and volunteers who have graduated from their first professional degree within the past 15 years.

  • An international community
  • Elevate your professional image
  • Expand your global network
  • Connect with peers locally
  • Give back to your community.

It encompasses all members from recent university graduates to experienced professionals and entrepreneurs. Currently there are more than 7900+ IEEE PES YP members. Should you become a PES YP? https://pes-yp.org/

The IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Vision will


stronger engagement with industry and increase its involement in education programs.

Improve & Strengthen

the global presence, diversity and participation in technical committees.


Chapter communication with its members and establish mentorship and coaching programs.


life-long learning and expand student offerings worldwide

Frequently Asked Questions

Mentor FAQ

Mentors are expected to provide their mentee with consistent support and interaction for the duration of the mentoring program. This can occur at a frequency that works best for you and the mentee. This interaction will take place within the PES Career Compass platform as live chats or video calls. Mentors should work with their mentees to determine what kind of support will be most useful-specific feedback related to finding jobs, general career advice, information on higher studies, technical information, personal encouragement, and so on.
The PES Career Compass Mentoring programs held throughout the year are different durations. We ask you to make a commitment for the entire duration of the program you signed up for. If you must leave the program early, we request at least two weeks' notice in order to search for a replacement mentor with a similar background.
No. It is not appropriate for mentors to engage in any business transactions with their mentees; instead, the relationship should only involve the flow of general information and advice.
We encourage letting the mentee know about the situation and contact PES Career Compass Admin immediately. We will provide our full support to resolve the situation in a positive and satisfactory manner

Mentor DO’s

  • Commit to regular interaction with your mentee.
  • Take responsibility to initiate the relationship.
  • Set aside time for the mentoring process and honor all commitments.
  • Invite the mentee to meetings or activities, as appropriate. Schedule meetings with planned topics.
  • Be flexible on meeting times
  • Respond to emails or chats from your mentee within 2 days of receipt.
  • Keep information that your mentee has shared with you confidential. If something concerning the mentee needs to be discussed with others, it should first be discussed within the mentoring relationship.
  • Establish open and honest communication and establish a forum for idea exchange with your mentee.
  • Foster creativity and independence. Help your mentee build self-confidence and offer encouragement.
  • Provide honest and timely feedback to your mentee.
  • Provide opportunities for the mentee to talk about concerns and ask questions.
  • Above all, LISTEN.

Mentor DON’Ts

  • Try to give advice on everything.
  • Encourage the mentee to be totally dependent upon you.
  • Provide your personal history, problems, animosities, successes, failures, etc unless they are constructive contributions.
  • Be too busy when the mentee needs your friendship and support. If you do not have time, let the mentee know so they understand when they can reach out to you again.
  • Criticize.

Mentee FAQ

First, complete the registration form found on the landing page. Then, when the mentoring matching date and time open, log-in to the Career Compass platform and select Smart Matching from the menu choices and follow the prompts. This will pair you with a mentor with an option for you to accept, or keep searching.
The PES Career Compass Mentoring programs held throughout the year are different durations. We ask our mentors to make commitments for the entire duration of the program you’ve registered for to ensure you are able to fully benefit from the relationship. If a mentor must leave the program early we close the communication for that mentoring pair.
We encourage letting the mentor know about the situation and contact PES Career Compass Admin immediately. We will provide our full support to resolve the situation in a positive and satisfactory manner.

Mentee DO’s

  • Take a proactive role in shaping the relationship
  • Understand what you want from the mentoring relationship and communicate your goals and aspirations to your mentor. Balance the personal and professional aspect with your mentor.
  • Set aside time for the mentoring process and keep ALL scheduled appointments with your mentor and display appropriate behavior.
  • Use your time with the mentor wisely. Come to every meeting with your mentor prepared with planned topics and questions. Schedule your next meeting at the end of each meeting.

Mentee DO’s

  • Ask for advice on everything. Be purposeful in each request.
  • Blame the mentor if their advice or recommendation doesn’t work out.
  • Expect your mentor to know all of the answers.
  • Commit yourself to obligations you cannot keep.
  • Cancel meetings/visits with your mentor at the last minute. Be respectful of their time.